One of the most advance Reaction Calorimeter - HEL Simular, having the wide capability and many functionalities have been installed at Defence research lab in India at HEMRL, Pune.
By far it is the best Reaction Calorimeter in terms of various capabilities and have been used for the very high explosives chemical reactions studies. It involves high pressure Hastelloys reactor, low pressure Glass reactor, liquid, gas feeds, sampling valves, automatic sampling device, flow controllers, turbidity probe, pH probe, reflux device and all forms of calorimetry such as classical Heat Flow, time saving Power Compensation and Heat reflux calorimetry.
The uniqueness of the system is that it is installed on a single stand which holds both the reactors , having a common stirrer motor, high end chillers and housed in a cabinet with all the safety aspects integrated w.r.t. hardware and software. The various types of reactions like nitration, polymerisation, chlorination, amination to name but a few, have been successfully tried out and the system can cater to many applications for process safety, development & scale-up activities.