Thursday, 31 July 2008

Gorillas running faster for better chemistry...

What's the connection between Gorillas and HEL products, you ask ? come back soon for the answer ...

Ok, the real connection is that in the best HEL fundraising tradition, Raj Mann (see HEL Raisers...) and Tref Willingham will be joining the London Great Gorilla Run on September 27th. If you know them, you will be aware that they don't need dressing up (proof coming soon...) !

There are many charity runs but none are quite like this – 1,000 people, all dressed up as gorillas and going ape for a day!

Since the first race in 2003, thousands of people have donned their gorilla suits and walked, run or jogged the 7km City of London route that takes in sights such as Tower Bridge and The Tate Modern. Read more about the Gorilla Runs and their purpose at the Gorilla Runs website .

P.S. if you want to donate click here for Raj's giving page

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